A winning concept: Also this third iteration of Boxed in is superb. No problem if you start out buy getting this one, youll likely get the first two soon afterwards
A winning concept: Also this third iteration of Boxed in is superb. No problem if you start out buy getting this one, youll likely get the first two soon afterwards
Great game! Stuck on level 40 right now... Tougher than boxed in 1&2 but lots of fun.
Great game, great brain workout. Worth every penny and more.
Worth every single penny. Thered better be a Boxed In 4 in the near future cause Im so totally addicted. Really makes you think. Keeps your interest and frustration levels at their peak!!
This game definately separates the men from the boys
Retarded. I didnt pay for it. So all of you who did. SUKKAS! This game sux
Thank you for everything.
Molto carino, consigliato!
The game is nice you have to use your brain but you can t put the game in break or to change the controls during the match
I realized that someone had the same suggestion I was going to make about there being no way to get back to the menu once you started to play. Then I saw it was written in 2011. Then I saw the game hasnt been updated since 2011. No updates for bugs. No updates for new iOS versions. Nothing. Wouldnt have bought it if I noticed that the developer just walked away.
The play button doesnt always work and the controls are annoying because he moves so slowly
The Boxed In games rock. Ignore the reviews that say dont get the game, because its too hard. Maybe tic tac toe is more their speed. Also, the games have never crashed on my iPhone or my iPad.
Dont bother with this game if you are not ready for a very stimulating mental challenge. Dennis and his brother, Mark, know how to challenge your logic and your patience. All of their games (Boxed In 1, 2, and 3, Iced In 1 and 2, and Relix) are mind exercisers without extensive how-to-play instructions. All levels are solvable...but only if you are patient and determined. Controls are fine and hasnt crashed once for me. Highly recommended, but only if you are up to the challenge.
Ok so I spent way too many hours on level 27! Haha!! so I wanted to offer a little help to anyone else having trouble with it. The hardest part is freeing up two blocks from the top right corner. You have to start down below, then when youre ready to go up top start with the robot inside the red box then here are the moves: r u u r r u u l d l r r d l d l d d r u u u r u u l d l d d. (r=right, l=left,d=down,u=up) It took me a few more tries to get the whole thing figured out but this was the hardest part. I got help with it so I wanted to help someone else! Good luck!
I love the game. No real problems other than it touts auto save functionality but for me there is no such thing. If anything interrupts my game play and I go back to boxed in 3 I have to start the board over. I could be five strokes from completion but will have to start over. That stinks.
Good concept but it crashes when you Press play. I love the game but you really need to fix crashing ... If you do I promise Ill come back and rate it
Can someone please tell me how to pass level 13?
thanks for supporting the japan relief fund! i think its awesome that youre doing this :) ur game is fun and well designed too
Since you asked, Im gonna pay it forward because a couple people helped me on 27 & 35. Starting from where the robot begins: u r u d l l u d r r u l u l l u l d d d r r u r u l l r d d l l u u d d r r d r u u u u u u u (7 times) l l u u r r d u l l d d r r d d d d r r r d r u u u u u u u (7 times again), then get the gears, push this last box down again, then up and you are FREE!!!